Took these pictures when my parents were on their Hong Kong trip.
Had 2 peaceful weeks to myself (amid my younger brother around the house).
My elder brother went for a "holiday" too; national service or what they call "reservist". He was confined (yes that is the word) to a restricted area and couldn't come home to eat the tasty Sharkfin Chicken Soup I cooked on the first Monday of that Freedom Week ;p
Well these were taken on 26 March, a delightful Saturday. After the walk.
Me and Darling No 2.
I took quite a few takes of us at my door, trying to get the perfect picture.

And now, some of the flowers my daddy has been nurturing. He is good! I wish I have his green hands but plants just wither when I am around.
His orchid. Brought back home by mummy.

These are I think some other tropical plants. Not sure what are their names.
This one is definitely African Violet. The same type that used to grow in my Kampung home in Chua Chu Kang. Number 202 too. Add me on Facebook if u were my neighbor before :)
I remember I had some younger kids who were from the nearby coffeeshop. I miss my childhood! Those were the days, indeed.
Erm, another angle of the orchid.
And more of the tropical flower.
My favorite Bitch, ops, Darling No 3.
And my Darling No 2 who keeps me company every night (well, nearly). He is a darling!
The 2 loves of my life. Now.
A tribute to the fish tank that my daddy maintains outside my front door. Don't know where he get this. It keeps the MP reminded of my dad! He is always so proud when he relates to friends (and family) when the MP told him, oh I remember your tank! ;p
These are the decorations on the top tank.
My corridor. A delight to go out everyday to be greeted by beautiful plants. And I love the bamboo!
And my gate.
Taking these in case I am moving out. Hopefully soon. More news soon!
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