I was glad though because it means that I got something special to look forward to when I visit my neighbors' farms.
The Spring Basket doesn't really look very attractive but it is here to bring in the Spring Eggs. I guess it is called Spring Eggs because Easter Eggs
seems to sound a tad too religious.
The entire experience through getting the Spring Basket in the Gift Box, placing it in my Farm is an all too familiar process. There is really no excitement anymore, since it is like the Pot of Gold or the Valentines' Day thing... I am sick of it now! No, this won't entice me into chasing after the colored eggs, no matter how the trend is affecting everyone.
I will though, still be a good neighbor and send when I see a request.
Farmville gives the Spring Bunny a bad name. Making her invisible isn't good for people like me. I do wish there are new rabbits. The existing ones aren't really as adorable as I would like them to be.
Anyways, the Spring Bunny lays, ops, left her eggs all over FarmVille, and I gotta look for it at my neighbours' Farms... Why can't I find it in my own backyard anyway?
FarmVille says:
The Spring Bunny is coming and has left eggs all over FarmVille! Place your basket on your farm and fill it with eggs from your friends or hidden in friend's farms! Find your basket in your gift box!
And then there is this HUGE notice that says:
Spring BasketYour friends can send you Eggs for your Spring Basket, or you can find eggs hidden in your friends' farms while fertilizing. Trade in your eggs for limited edition Spring items!The Spring Bunny especially loves new farmers. Farmers who have been playing for 7 days or less can give even MORE eggs and have even MORE eggs hidden on their farms!Would you like to invite friends to FarmVille now?
I wish they would shorten their message... I want to play the game, not read stories! I could have phrased i better! My version:
Find your Spring Eggs!
They are hidden all over your neighbor's farms. Go fertilize in your new farmer friends' crops and you may be extra lucky! Farmers who have been playing for more than 7 days can give more eggs or have more hidden eggs on their farm. Go invite new friends now!
Maybe they should hire me as their marketing or script writer or something... *bleah*
The Spring Basket allows you to "Look Inside" and check on your progress as well as compare with your neighbors. For goodness sake, I don't really care about how the others are doing but I guess it is helpful if you want to challenge your neighbor and then get one or two pieces of gold or eggs when you have more than them!
So the same screen layout appears yet again. I do hope it will not be a permanent feature. Farmville, come on, invent something else!
I think they may be quite busy for now. Since they have only released one item - the Mystery Egg - to be redeemed. It requires 10 Eggs and I heard that these are the items that are available from the Mystery Egg: the Double Avartar Size, 1 Small Can of Fuel, 100 XP,
Double Avatar Size
Small Can of Fuel
100 XP
You may wonder how to see your egg hunting progress? Just click the "Look Inside" option after you click on the Spring Basket.
You will be able to see your progress and also compare with your neighbours. I took this picture immediately when I placed the Spring Basket. I am happy to report that I had 2 Eggs (before going to clear my Facebook Gifts Requests).
The Farmer may "Look Inside" the Spring Basket and check on his "Progress" for the egg hunting.
Yes now I have 5 and It looks like I am the top! I think this is an illusion but it suits me for the time being.
I had this notice too...
The NEW Chick-n-Egg Decoration has arrived in the market! It looks like a regular Spring Egg... but you may be in for a surprice... Click below to get one!
And it tells me that the Chick-n-Egg Decoration is available in the Market for $14 FarmVille Dollar and sells for $850 FarmVille Coins. It gives 170 XP and is available till 5 April 2010.
I did not particularly like the Egg Fence nor feel incline to pay FarmVille Dollar for the 5 Spring Eggs.
Basically there are 5 types of Spring Eggs, namely Red, Purple, Blue, Orange and Pink. When you respond to your friend's requests on Facebook, you will get back something.
Blue Spring Egg - 1 small can of Fuel
Orange Spring Egg - 1 Mystery Box
Pink Spring Egg - 20 Free XP
Purple Spring Egg - $1,000 FarmVille Coins
Red Spring Egg - 1 Red Spring Egg
I rather send the Red Spring Egg! Since it means that I don't have to go around collecting it...
Anyway this means that you don't have to go around savaging the leftovers of your neighbors Facebook Feeds or scrutinize your Facebook Wall Feeds or even FarmVille Feeds (read here on how to do it), respond to your Friend's Facebook Farmville Requests... All you need to do, is to Ask for Eggs from the Spring Basket or just do your normal fertilizing for your friends!
So what happens after you click on the Ask For Eggs inside the Spring Basket?
You see this screen:
This will give you the screen to select the particular group of friends who will be most likely to respond to your request. If you add me on Facebook, I will respond ;p (To know how to add me on Facebook, read here).
I got this screen which my friend SJ did not see.
If you must know, the "Pop goes the chick!" is an adaptation to the "Pop! Goes the Weasel", an English language nursery rhyme and singing game. In Britain the "Pop goes the Weasel" rhyme has been played as a children's game since at least the late nineteenth century.
Anyways, this icon was followed by a prompt that asked me to confirm if I really want to go and send the Eggs. Why not? ;p But I like the warning!
Well there is something that is different for this Easter Egg Event... (Yes, I love triple-Es), it is the confirmation screen that you see after you send your gift Egg out.
I guess this is sort of like the Wish A Wish kind of thing.... ops, sorry that is Ask for Wish or is that Make A Wish? (I need some sleep!)
Oh and before I end this post, I must show you this screen:
Yes, it is the Golden Horseshoe! It appears in my Gift Box after this notice.
or was it this one:
(Aargh, I need my sleep now!)
It is worth a good 20 Gold that just go straight to the Pot of Gold. I thought I could have kept it safely in my Barns ;p Just for luck you know?
A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials to protect the hooves of horses and some other draught animals from wear and tear. It is kept as a talisman to bring good luck. Many believe that to hang it with the ends pointing upwards is good luck as it acts as a storage container of sorts for good luck. It is also believed to bring bad luck if it is hanged with the ends pointing down.
The Golden HorseShoe has never been introduced before in Farmville and does ties in nicely the current craze for the Horse Stables and the St Patrick's Day Event.
BUT this U-shape thingie does not compensate me enough for not having a Horseshoe keepsake! Not even 20 Gold!
So now we've got to pay for the gold at $5 Farmville dollars per 5 Gold Chunk!
Well, I won't be doing that just for the gold! Anyways I have yet to redeem anything except for the Castle...
Will be redecorating my farm tomorrow and catch you around then!
Got to go tend to my crops!
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thQnk :)