My boss gave me a mug when he was back from his UK trip. It was a very cheery mug and I shall post a picture when I next bring my camera there, or when I got time to use my hp.
My Magic gave me some trouble because it kept hanging up and refuse to let me dial out. Till I was so fed up that I went to reset all the settings. Then I discovered the root of the problem. It was one of the application upgrades I did. It interfered with the coms.apps and seems like round 9am - 7pm I couldn't use the phone!
After the factory setting, the phone worked normally again and I did not bother to re-install most of the apps. I haven't been using them much anyway, but I got back
Astrid and one of my favorite game
Milky Milky.
Well, the point of this post, was to update that yes, I finally have some concrete (or paper) evidence that I can go and apply for a house (yet again).
But as it is the Hungry Ghost Month, I do adhere to the belief that you should not do anything major this month. So I told my Darlings that this month, we are just going to lie low and look out for housing opportunities and let them go at that.
The week before my confirmation (job confirmation, that is), I went to get some stationeries. I promised myself that I would use them the moment I got confirmed. Haha, fat chance, because I was so busy doing other people's work (helped another boss - by the way, I have alot of bosses to report to! - to cover some duties till the new person comes in) that I did not even have a chance to do my own work!
Well, I am content enough to get the minimum done, that is to set up a plan for the work that I was covering temporarily, and then some. Though I did not touch my own work during my boss's 2 weeks' absence, it was an experience for me. I know that marketing is not my cup of tea (as I told CC & ML) and though I am able to do it, it is not something that I want as a long term with this company. I got what I wanted (a stable job) and that is it for me.
I think it is time to treat my friends! Yup, soon soon, let me tidy my room abit before I head off for a dear friend's birthday celebration. She is 60 this year and oh yes, I went to Takashimaya to get her this
Swarovski Rocking Flower
It was $110 actually (shared with LO and ML) and I think I would get myself one too! :) It rocks and was one of the special designs. This series had 3 types, 1 white flower, 1 sunflower and this pink one. The pink one is supposedly coated with a special thing that reflects dunno what. Let me do some research.