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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Did you know?
Another chain email... but this is titled Did you know...
The hardest thing to say to someone
Did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart, are real weak and most susceptible?
Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need someone to protect them?
Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are: I love you, Sorry and Help me
Did you know that those who dress in red are more confident in themselves?
Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?
Did you know that those in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?
Did you know that that it's easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it to their face?
Did you know that if you ask for something in fath, your wishes are granted?
Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do.
But don't believe everything I tell you, until you try it for yourself, if you know someone that is in need of soemthing that I mentioned, and you know that you can help, you'll see that it will be returned in two-fold.
Today, the ball of FRIENDSHIP is in your court, send this to those who truly are your friends (including me if I am one). Also, do not feel bad if no one sends this back to you in the end, you'll find out that you'll get to keep the ball for other people want more
April Fool's Virus
Just a thought after I saw this on SJ's Facebook: Conficker Worm.
My Darling No 1 said his PC was infected by this before.
I wonder if it will surface again? I hope my VIPRE
Maybe I will post some pictures and reviews about VIPRE later...
but here's some food for thought: (Source)
Worried about Conficker? A few simple steps can protect you.
Target: All users of Windows XP and Windows Vista.
If you reached this web site, your computer is not infected. If you are running an up-to-date version of a Norton security solution – you are not infected.
The Conficker worm is no longer spreading quickly. On April 1st the worm took steps to protect itself. Since then we have seen signs that the worm may be spreading new malicious code between already infected machines.
If you have a computer that cannot access, or the web sites of other security vendors your computer may be infected. If that is the case, follow the steps below (see “What to do if you are infected”).
I copied only the first few para from the website. Because, I am truly amused by the audacity of Norton. Does displaying the site means that the computer is safe? I don't think their site can scan your entire PC. Must all virus block their site?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
MSN Picture Sharing
Just in case you need to know, if you happen to receive a Picture Sharing on MSN
And the 2nd thing you should know is how to close it. I think to enable the sharing is easy but alot of us do not know how to close it.
So all you need to do is to look for this tiny button at the bottom of the picture. It is actually on the divider between the picture sharing area and the message conversation area.
Once you click on it, it will be minimized to the top of your screen, while you are still enabling the sharing session. I think the word is to Collapse the picture area and make your conversation screen bigger (or let the conversation screen resume the original space).
If you really want to close it, just click the X at the right hand side (the side menu that appears on the right).
If you want to save the file, just click on the image and there will be a prompt.
Got it?
Simple tips for you
Social City - How to read your population
I just found out that if you want to know how well you are progressing you should click the Box on the top right of your screen.
So it tells you what you need to know.
For my city, it shows that my current City Population is 1,440 people. And that I need to hit 2,000 headcount to get my Factory No 4. (Do people die? I know this is a morbid thought ;p)
Well, and I have enough Leisure facilities to satisfy 10,833 people. So I guess I am safe for now...
And I finally know what my pretty secretary is telling me... that Karin was a friend! and She was simply updating me on who is doing what. Even when Friends accepted my requests and gifts! Wow!
Yes, this is a great start to my Small Village... when you grow more people, you are rewarded in cash! :)
By the way, I tuned down (actually the correct word is silenced) the music. It just isn't my cup of coffee...
Social City - Tutorial Screenshots
My friend YC persuaded me to join Social City and here are my screen shots...
These are the tutorials. I wonder if everyone sees a girl? I think she's a female secretary...
I was told to create population... that green thing is a house.
Then I was told about the factory to let them work...
And then there is this contract thing for the factory. Of course I choose the 5min thing...
Then somehow the pretty secretary called me Mayor! I like the sound of that! well, she mentioned soemone called Karin and I don't know who was that?
Well I got this Daily Bonus out of nowhere and I am not complaining!
Then there is this Collect Coins once the factories are done producing the 5 minute puffs...
And then there's the leisure thing for the population to do...
And then the first Leisure facility turn out to be a BasketBall court!
Well, I was then supposed to brag, erm publicize my achievements... The lady doesn't looked that nice now... In fact abit evil, I would say ;p
And then the game goes on...
This reward of 500 Social City Coins and 40 XP is for the Mayoral Sash... something I got for something I did. Wish I knew what it was ;p
And Social City thanked me for signing up with them, $5,000 Coins and 50XP!
Wow! and I got this Post Office building... It was in my gift box...
And I went to build my own factory and got this badge... another $5,000 coins and 15XP for reward, Not bad ar!
Then I got this notice where I was given a Community Center and now I am a Wide Spot In the Road! lol
Oh I guess it must be the population growth...
And then I am a Level 3! Whoopie!
And I got promoted to a Bronze Leisure Trophy for my cinema... I had a Coffee Joint as well, since I simply cannot live without it... Another 500 Coins and 10 XP
Then I went to accept my friend's invite and I got myself my first neighbour!
And she (Feng for now) needed help! I needed to rescue this cute kitty from a tree... and organised a rescue mission!
And I got 350 Coins for the Kitty Rescue...
And this is my Social City now...
The arrows or yellow signages (on the left) are the populations I could grow. The orange signages (those on the right) are the factories that are free to work...
And you can see my first neighbor :)
Well I guess the game is simply fun. Not too sure the objective but I think you need lots of coins or cash to build your houses and factories... invest!
Hope this will help my Sorority Life game :)
Fun time!
FishVille - WishList Updated!
Before I have a chance to put this up, somehow FishVille has removed the Wishlist Feature today (30 March 2010).
Also some of the fishes were affected too... like the Scooter Blenny... but I am still posting this first, in case it comes back.
Please read for your own information.
The WishList was introduced to make it more convenient to access our Neighbors' Wishes. It was implemented on 20 March 2010.
This is that screen that should have greeted you when you load your tank.
Updated Feature!The next screen goes to the Wish List.
Based on your feedback we've made some improvements to the Wish List feature.
It's now easier to complete your wish list and you can send more items to your friends. Check it out today!
The difference of this updated Wish List is mainly that the features are working better. And the name has changed very subtly to "Gift Wish List"from "My Wish List". The layout looks the same though the links load better now.
The number of items on the Gift Wish List has also been reduced from 5 to 3. I feel this is better now since most of the time, there are only those few items that I need (Mystery gift, mystery food, special food). I don't need all those decos or fishes! If I need them, I get them myself!
The new screen shot is here:
As with the old Wishlist, you may Publish Wishlist by broadcasting on your Facebook wall.
Again, the Ask For Help request brings up the screen for you to choose who u want to send your individualized request to.
There is also this All Friends button. If you click on that, you will go to this list of all your neighbours. It shows 1 item per neighbor.
Granting one wish will go back to the same screen. The old Wishlist reloads the tank after each wish is granted, making it really unfriendly to grant wishes.
And what's more, you get a Bonus Wish once all 3 items on your Gift Wish List are received. I have already got 2 Eternal Youth and 1 Clone Fish Bonus Wish today.
Examples of the Bonus Wish are: Eternal Youth, Clone Fish, Transmute to Sea Turtle, Wisdom (+3) or Transmute to Comb Jellyfish.
I think the transmute wishes are gone... And there was this Level Up or XP bonus instead.
I think the transmute wishes are gone... And there was this Level Up or XP bonus instead.
And there is this thing that goes on: who ever sends you wishes (or when you grant your neighbors' wishes), there is a gift back to the sender.
This is for the Ask For Help category.
The first item (left) will give you the Mystery Box. The 2nd item (middle) will give you the SuperGrow Food and for the last item (right), you get this White Oyster.
But it doesn't appear if you do it from the All Friends tab. So if you are after these bonus gifts, you got to grant the wishlist when you see all 3 wishes for that friend.
Special pictures for you... I took these when I went for the Eternal Youth Bonus Wish.
The cursor changes to a Permanent Youth Wand after I selected my preference.
It actually is the same wand for the Clone Wish too... Just different words...
Once I saw the fish I wanted, I hovered my wand over it and then click on the selected fish. My example is the Latticed Butterfly. The fish is then covered in a puff of smoke while the Permant Youth Wand applies the Youth Magic.
So after I got my Latticed Butterfly to be a youth again, you can see its size (middle of the picture) and compare to the normal sized one (bottom right).
The stats, revealed by hovering the cursor over the fish, show it is 8 year old, maturing at 34.7% and has to be fed in 1 Day 12 hour. It gives 1,200 XP and can be sold for $1,200 FishVille Coins.
Just to go into details, if you clicked on the fish, Fishville allows you to Name or Move it. You cannot sell it. Just a word of warning, do not have too many youthful fish, if not your tank will be cluttered!
I believe they will take 3 days to die if you do not feed them. This means no fishes in the same tank can be fed... so think before you follow me in the eternal youth path!
Sorority Life - Toolbar
Just realised that if you do the Replace your Cell phone event, it gives you a toolbar screen...
Well, House Mom Carol maybe doesn't know, it just kicked me out of SL... is that because I am using Chrome?
I don't need another toolbar
Mafia Wars - 10 Million Fans Party
Hey hey hey...
I got this 10 Million Fans Party notice when I just loaded my Mafia Wars...
Thank you for playing Mark 30th and 31 (POT)!
To thank our fans, for 2 DAYS ONLY we are giving out:
-Double Mastery in all cities
- all fights payout 25% more experience!
-everyone who plays receive the Limited Edition item the Heavy Hand
-Be sure to tell everyone in your mafia
Then I saw this after I click Continue...
And of course I need to inform my Mafias...
Even the bank suddenly looks different! More Mafia like!
Great job, Mafia Wars! you never disappoint!
way to go!
Farmville - Landscapes (2010 Mar 30)
I changed my farm again, to accomodate the 2 more shamrock castle...
check it out
Love my farm now
Monday, March 29, 2010
Vampire Wars - Mandy's Birthday Bash
Well, it's Mandy's Birthday :)
You've just entered Mandy's realm. It's her birthday this month and I wanted to offer her a gift.
My gift to Mandy? It's you. Play nice, because in her realm it's her rules. And ruining her games, or worse - boring her, could end badly for you. Survive her party and I'll take you home. You could try to escape... but... that may mean facing Mandy herself. Are you ready?
Guess it's time to go MandyLand :)
Am I a vampire freak? Guess not yet...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mafia Wars - Robbing
Here are some of the pictures for the new updates... the robbing page for Fight! (By the way, this is only for New York, not available in Bangkok, Cuba, Moscow or Las Vegas, which isn't available at now for me now)
(And thanks to the new blogger interface, I uploaded all the pictures in one shot, so easy to do it!
This was what I saw... it explained that in order to be successful at robbing you need to to bring more mafia and of course you need your attack points. And you also needs stamina to steal from others people's properties.
Basically that whole paragraph reads:
Spend stamina to steal from other people's properties. You bring more mafia and spend more stamina to rob the larger properties, but the rewards are much sweeter. If you don't have the needed mafia size, you can still try to rob, but you will have a reduced chance of success. There are 10 levels of robbing mastery and two collection sets to find with awesome rewards. There is a special bonus for clearing the entire grid. Finally, if you don't see any properties that you want to rob, you can spend stamina to refresh the board.
I think the properties are random (correct me if I am wrong) and I am going to show you a few of the fights I won (and lost).
This is the Robbing screen. There are 9 sets that you can choose. I saw only 3 easy and the rest are mediums.
And I tried the A1 (Top Row, First Column). It was an Easy and proved to be.
I went to see the items used for A1. Basically the inventories that usually I ignore. But woah, it is interesting! so many stuff?
Guess only when you click on the Items Used then you will see who were you robbing...
And there is my 2nd successful robbing... B1
And the items used for B1
And the screen updates instantly
And items used for C1...
So on and forth... then I lost to the Medium one... and it wasn't even hard!
I clicked on the Why Did I Lose? It tells me:
Your robbing score is determined by your attack skill plus the combined attack strength of one weapon, armor and vehicle item for each mafia member that you bring to fight.
You can get better at robbing by:
-Growing your mafia
-Increasing your attack skill
Well this made sense but it did not exactly help me to understand why...
Now, take a look at the items used:
So I guess his Dilinger's Wooden Gun and a BRM-38 are better than my Irish Wolfhound and Liger? And his Mesh Alloy and executive overcoat armor are better than my Shturmovik and Guerrilla Commando? And his 2 Tiger Tanks are way more powerful than my Chario and Zoloto Sports Car?
And sad to say, I lost the next few Medium Robs and I did those just to complete the grid... and I got this:
You cleared the full board and earned: * 19 Bonus Experience!
You earned a bonus Ballistic Knife
Your record on this board was 5-4. YOu can get better at robbing by:
-Growing your mafia
-Increasing your attack skill
This is what I saw after I click on the Get New Targets... simply because it is free! This is when I clicked on the Apprentice Burglar. After I made another successful robbery for an Easy Property. (That is why it is 6-4 and not 5-4)
And this is the next screen. Now there is 1 Hard, 3 Easy and 5 Mediums.
That's it! Happy Robbing :)
Read my Mafia War Robbing posts
All for new stuff!
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