What is the point of having something when you are not making use of it?
This is very broad and can be applied to anything.
Like mobile phones. Will you get an iPhone just because everyone is having it? (Quick links to Singtel iPhone Promotion Page, M1 iPhone Promotion Page and Starhub iPhone Promotion Page) - no, I am not promoting iPhone. In fact, I use HTC Magic
Or Blackberry
Or a PSP
Or a house. Not Dr House
This is my personal take. I got a HTC Magic because, yes, I was taken by the design. Plus it is a Google phone. Yes, I like the screen key-board because I found the normal, traditional ones too bulky. I don't think a phone should be used for anything else but a phone. A telecommunication device. And if you can use it for other things (to view messages), it is great. I don't use SMS alot because I think talking on the phone is easier.
But it is a useful function, SMS. If you don't agree, think about this:
When you are in a meeting, you can't call someone, what do you do? Yes, SMS. When you want to get something done remotely, you can also SMS someone to get it done, since it is simplier. And your phone is always within reach.
SMS also stores data. Just like yesterday when I went to Aunty Jenny's house to see her latest 2 family members (adorable James and Joseph), I had to refer to her SMS for her house address. So SMS is a life saver.
That's it! Do you need any other function for your phone? For me, I love the internet and connectivity. I do alot of stuff on the internet. I love YouTube. So I surf and watch video. I also like to know when I receive my emails as they come in. (What I do with them - read the messages immediately or not - that is up to me to decide). So I needed a Google phone.
But do you? Everyone's needs are different.
You may not like Google or support it as much as I do.
You may think a Blackberry is better because you do not use Google Services. Or you simply prefer the layout or the brand.
But you know what you want and will get the one that you prefer.
So you will not force yourself to use what I recommend on my website.
But I digress. Will you use what you already have?
If you currently own a mobile phone, ask yourself do you use all its features?
I am sure there are alarm functions on your mobile phone. Do you use it?
Is there a calendar that you can use to remind yourself what you need to do for that special day?
Is there a silence mode that you can use to make disturbance (unwanted calls) go away?
Do you use the quick redial function or you still manually key in each number for your loved ones?
I think you have a camera on your cellphone too? Do you love taking pictures?
Hey what song do you store in your music folder? How often do you listen to it?
Now, let's go to your room.
How many times do you use each amenity in your room. The light switch and the bed are the most frequently used items I guess. How about that table? Your chair? Does placing the magazine you read half way or the cup that you use daily count?
Another aspect.
How about what you know?
Let's see. You know how to boil water? How do you do it? How often and where? Oh you can say knowledge is something you know but you don't have to do it often. Just like boiling water.
Let's examine this.
Do you ask your mother to boil water for you? So that she can make you your favorite cup of coffee just the way you like it?
Will you give your mother that? Make her a cup of coffee or just plain warm water to make her heart glow?
It all boils down to - how you use what you already have.
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