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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fishville - Arena (Mysterious Food)

There are still no updates from FishVille regarding the Fishville Arena and I wonder why. It is almost 2 weeks already and there are no news?

All I know is that there are Mysterious Food that you have got to use. And it is all in my Gift Box. I cannot take them out and put in the usual food store.

This is what I mean.

When I open my Gift Box, it shows the number of gifts that I have. And in this picture, I have exactly 3 Mysterious Food... this was taken on 7 March 2010.

Today, I have 13! (18 March 2010)

All Fishville tells me is that this food will unlock soon! The Mysterious Food is a part of 3 types of Training Food that will boost the abilities of my fishes. I presume it is for the Fish Arena because the notice mentions that the Fish Training will begin soon.

It is just not soon enough and I guess I just have to keep these in my Gift Box...

See! As a dutiful Fish Lover, my fishes never get sick and I already have 60 Medicine in stock... Why doesn't Fishville allow the Mystery Food to go to the Food Store as well?

Well for my own strategy for this Fish Arena thing, I am keeping all my exotic fishes (fishes that I cannot buy for myself with coins) and keeping them in my Tank 1. Not selling them ever! well, at least I will keep 40 such fishes.

And I will try to have more tanks of such fishes, maybe setting up my Tank 6 for this as well.

Just to be sure that I have all the different kinds of fishes and older fishes, so that I can send them for fights. Isn't that the logic? The older and the bigger fishes you have, they should be able to win other fishes?

But I would hate if any fishes got injuried or died...

However I do think that it does not really make sense to keep older fishes, since Fishville encourages Fish Lovers to buy and sell fishes as frequently as possible. You can see this from all the levelling up that you get from buying and selling fishes. And look at the coins being earned...

Well, who am I to comment about what FishVille wants? As long as I have my tanks and my beautiful fishes, I am contented :)

Do read my other posts here or click on the FishVille labels for more...

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FishVille should pull up her socks!

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thQnk :)


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