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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fishville - SeaHorse Stable

As promised, this is the post for my FishVille SeaHorse Stable.

Once you got the Buildable SeaHorse Stable in your Gift Box, please place it in a place where it will not be cluttered by your fishes, decorations or creatures. This will make it easier for you to build it up. You need a total of 6 pieces.

If you need to know how to get it done within a day, follow these tips:

1) Have more FishVille Friends.
If you need help, let me know, I will post a message to my Facebook Friends to add you in Facebook and FishVille. (Yes I am that helpful!)

2) Do the Wishlist
Read my post here on how to do it. This is really helpful because:

A) It appears in your friends WishList when they are browsing their own.
B) It goes on your Facebook Wall Feed and it also gets send out to your all your Facebook Friends. If they happen to be watching the Feed (read here on how to do it) or just looking at your wall, they will bound to read it and help you. Most people are very helpful!
C) You get to Ask for Help. This sends your requests to specific persons whom you can choose.

So you can see, the Wishlist is really powerful indeed. Now let's get to business...

This is how the SeaHorse Stable looks like:

Completed Stage of the Seahorse Stable

1st Piece of Seahorse Stable

So how do you put build up your Horse Stable? You simple build it up! It is the same concept as the earlier Eagle Warrior or Valentines' Day Chocolates... Read my posting on the Eagle Warrior here)

My 2nd piece of the SeaHorse Stable is built by hovering a building block/piece from the Gift Box over the existing piece.

This is how it should look like if you have done it successfully:

2nd Piece of SeaHorse Stable
This Stable has green grasses coming out of the upper windows on your right hand side.

Once you have got your first piece in your Tank, look at your cursor. It should appear like this one, with a washed out version of a SeaHorse Stable.

Now be careful of where you place your cursor. Once your cursor is hovered correctly, you will see it turn into a Hammer. But the Hammer will be a washed out version too. See this picture and compare with the previous picture. The washed out Hammer is on the front window (top) and the handle is pointing to the right door (bottom).

So on and so forth...

3rd Piece of Seahorse Stable
This stable has the rounded window fixed for the Top Front Window and a starrie patch appearing on top of the center door.

4th Piece of Seahorse Stable
This is the near completion stage. Half way mark sees the single lone horse appearing on the right door.

5th Piece of Seahorse Stable
One more horse appears at the center (or is that centre?)

6th (Last) Piece of Seahorse Stable
Don't know why but the last piece actually gave me a SeaHorse that refuses to enter the Stable! Interesting!

Do you know that SeaHorses

These fish form territories, with males staying in about one square meter of their habitat while females range about one hundred times that area. They bob around in sea grass meadows, mangrove stands, and coral reefs where they are camouflaged by murky brown and grey patterns that blend into the sea grass backgrounds. During social moments or in unusual surroundings, seahorses turn bright colors.

Ain't these cute? Get them!


You may want to view my other FishVille posts here or surf around my blog here.

If you like, please visit my Support page here.

Seahorses are not a Myth...


  1. but what are the items that are used to build the stable ??! i can`t figure it out .

  2. Hi Jennifer

    You will need 6 pieces of the Buildable SeaHorse Stable. This can be sent to you by friends via the Gift Page. It is on the Top Left box in this picture:

    Hope this helps!

  3. i still don`t understand . lol ! so they have to keep sending me the seahorse stable ? o_O

  4. Hi Jennifer

    Yes you are right, you need friends to send you the seahorse stables. Once you get each piece you can start to "build" it. You need to see your cursor turn into a Hammer before you click the left mouse button. Otherwise it will end up as another piece in your tank.


thQnk :)


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