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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Social City - Tutorial Screenshots

My friend YC persuaded me to join Social City and here are my screen shots...

These are the tutorials. I wonder if everyone sees a girl? I think she's a female secretary...

I was told to create population... that green thing is a house.

Then I was told about the factory to let them work...

And then there is this contract thing for the factory. Of course I choose the 5min thing...

 Then somehow the pretty secretary called me Mayor! I like the sound of that! well, she mentioned soemone called Karin and I don't know who was that?

Well I got this Daily Bonus out of nowhere and I am not complaining!

Then there is this Collect Coins once the factories are done producing the 5 minute puffs...

And then there's the leisure thing for the population to do...

 Gotta choose the Build Icon and then the 3rd Tab for types of Building from the left (Leisure)

And then the first Leisure facility turn out to be a BasketBall court!

Well, I was then supposed to brag, erm publicize my achievements... The lady doesn't looked that nice now... In fact abit evil, I would say ;p

And then the game goes on...

This reward of 500 Social City Coins and 40 XP is for the Mayoral Sash... something I got for something I did. Wish I knew what it was ;p

 And suddenly I am a level 2! Man, it is fast!

And Social City thanked me for signing up with them, $5,000 Coins and 50XP!
Wow! and I got this Post Office building... It was in my gift box...

And I went to build my own factory and got this badge... another $5,000 coins and 15XP for reward, Not bad ar!

Then I got this notice where I was given a Community Center and now I am a Wide Spot In the Road! lol

Oh I guess it must be the population growth...

And then I am a Level 3! Whoopie!

And I got promoted to a Bronze Leisure Trophy for my cinema... I had a Coffee Joint as well, since I simply cannot live without it... Another 500 Coins and 10 XP

Then I went to accept my friend's invite and I got myself my first neighbour!

And she (Feng for now) needed help! I needed to rescue this cute kitty from a tree... and organised a rescue mission!

And I got 350 Coins for the Kitty Rescue...

And this is my Social City now...

The arrows or yellow signages (on the left) are the populations I could grow. The orange signages (those on the right) are the factories that are free to work...

And you can see my first neighbor :)

Well I guess the game is simply fun. Not too sure the objective but I think you need lots of coins or cash to build your houses and factories... invest!

Hope this will help my Sorority Life game :)
Fun time!

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thQnk :)


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