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Friday, May 28, 2010

FishVille - Dino Bones

I have updated this post on Dino Bones. Previously I posted this picture of the Dino Bones Buildable item on this post. It was actually from the Store. If you do not have gifts from your neighbors, you can actually buy from the Store.

Once you have obtained the full set of gifts, you can start to build.

Actually you can build it piece by piece though you do not have all the 8 pieces. You just need to ensure that the new piece is added to the piece in your tank.

The concept is the same as the previous Buildable Items such as the SeaHorse Stable, Eagle Warrior, Sandcastle, Valentines Day Chocolate Set.

You will need a total of 8 pieces to have a complete set of Dino Bones.

First you got to place the first piece. You can place this anymore in your tank. But I would advise you to put it at the front portion of your tank. This is for easy access.

1/8 Piece built.

Once you have done that, you can go to your Gift Box or buy from the store the 2nd piece. Each piece costs $1 FishVille Dollar though. If you are at your Gift Box, remember to

Now be careful to hover your cursor (which should be a faded Dino Bone Buildable piece) on your first piece till it becomes a hammer.

Then you will be ready to click on the hammer.

These are the Stage 2 to Stage 8 of the building process:

2/8 Piece built.

3/8 Piece built.

4/8 Piece built.

 5/8 Piece built.

6/8 Piece built.

7/8 Piece built.
 8/8 Piece built.

There you go! Hope you will be able to build your Dino Bones soon. It is rather cute! You can actually sell it in between your build, if you do not want to continue with it. Or you can sell it at the end of it for $3,000 FishVille Coins.

It is rather pretty and shines at times. Just like the gems... Come visit my Tank 1 if you want to see it for yourself!

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