Thanks to Mary Jane
They accompanied me to my almost daily lessons at BBDC where I was soon acquainted with all the different instructors in my group. There were about 18-19 of them. My group was the biggest - G06070.
I finally passed my driving on my 3rd practical test. It was as easy as cooking when you don't over think about it.
One instructor told me that success depends on 70% hardwork and 30% luck. I don't agree. It is 100% hard work. You need to learn the technical skills and gather your nerves and just do it!
I failed my first attempt because I did not see a lorry doing an illegal u-turn. This is technical error because I did not pay attention.
My second attempt was because I was too inpatient and did not take care to make sure the car came out of the lot before I turned the steering wheel. I was complacent, thinking 4 lessons of parking without pole would be sufficient. It was but my nerves got to me.
I took another five lessons before my Thursday attempt. I owe my passing to my mental preparations and of course, my wonderful instructors at BBDC:
Uncle Beh (aka Ah Beng) who is a young divorcee. He encouraged me to drive faster. He shared with me that a timid driver like me will instinctively avoid crashing into anything so I should embrace the speed that is built into the car.
Mr P, the fierce looking instructor who is really kind at heart. He knows that he can only say so much before I give up listening. I just cannot absorb all the information at once. He even let me drop off at my house once.
Mr Tan (aka Mr Nice). He gave me the tissues every lesson I had with him! He is generous and knows how to make me feel at ease. But he is not really a good teacher as I later discover he did not correct my serious mistakes.
Mr Tan (aka Lane Change Expert) He showed me the importance of checking blind spot and driving fast to meet the traffic conditions.
Mr Tan (Ex Traffic Policy Tester) . He corrected me on my last lesson of my mistakes : lane changing in yellow box and not giving way to pedestrians. He said it is really my confidence that is deterring me from my license as he can see my driving is really good, especially my parking.
There is also another instructor who I must mention - Mr Strict. He is the instructor I hated most because he is so naggy! There was once when I knocked the cones down on a rainy day and he had to get out of the car to place it back. It was the only time when I knocked it off!
Well there is another time when I did knock the cones but they were displaced only. It was with Mr Ng. He was also very kind but overly inquisitive about my life. Kept asking what do I do for a living, etc. He also made me learn my half clutch really well!
There were a few instructors who took me for only one lesson. They all corrected my mistakes of grabbing the steering wheel too tightly, letting go of clutch too suddenly, driving too slowly, not stepping hard enough on the accelerator.
Overall, I really enjoyed my lessons. They taught me one thing in common - nothing is impossible.
Thank you BBDC instructors! You fulfilled my wish to learn my driving before I move away. It is also part of my 2010 new year resolution - new skill.
Thank you.
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