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Saturday, May 29, 2010

FishVille - Redeem your Gemstone Pouch by 2nd June Wed 2010

Just a reminder... you will need to redeem your Gemstone Pouch by 2nd June Wed 2010. I think I sent a reminder post on 16 May 2010...

I got 38 gems and redeemed 2 items:

The Purple Tranvetine and the other one was a Bluecave Pearl.


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FishVille - Fish Mastery : Family Types (Part 1) - updated

I wrote earlier that there are only 4 Groups/Family available while the 2 remaining were not revealed yet. Now all 6 are Groups/Family are available (on 14 May 2010).

The 6 Group / Families here are the Butterfly Fish, Clownfish, Gobies, Boxfish, Damselfish and Hamlets.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

FishVille - Fish Mastery : Yellow Belly Hamlet

Just one last picture before I head off to bed... Will continue tomorrow... Just want to show how cute the Yellow Belly Hamlet is *grins*

If you are interested to see my previous posts of the Fish Mastery, the links are here:

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FishVille - Dino Bones

I have updated this post on Dino Bones. Previously I posted this picture of the Dino Bones Buildable item on this post. It was actually from the Store. If you do not have gifts from your neighbors, you can actually buy from the Store.

Once you have obtained the full set of gifts, you can start to build.

Actually you can build it piece by piece though you do not have all the 8 pieces. You just need to ensure that the new piece is added to the piece in your tank.

The concept is the same as the previous Buildable Items such as the SeaHorse Stable, Eagle Warrior, Sandcastle, Valentines Day Chocolate Set.

You will need a total of 8 pieces to have a complete set of Dino Bones.

First you got to place the first piece. You can place this anymore in your tank. But I would advise you to put it at the front portion of your tank. This is for easy access.

1/8 Piece built.

Once you have done that, you can go to your Gift Box or buy from the store the 2nd piece. Each piece costs $1 FishVille Dollar though. If you are at your Gift Box, remember to

Now be careful to hover your cursor (which should be a faded Dino Bone Buildable piece) on your first piece till it becomes a hammer.

Then you will be ready to click on the hammer.

These are the Stage 2 to Stage 8 of the building process:

2/8 Piece built.

3/8 Piece built.

4/8 Piece built.

 5/8 Piece built.

6/8 Piece built.

7/8 Piece built.
 8/8 Piece built.

There you go! Hope you will be able to build your Dino Bones soon. It is rather cute! You can actually sell it in between your build, if you do not want to continue with it. Or you can sell it at the end of it for $3,000 FishVille Coins.

It is rather pretty and shines at times. Just like the gems... Come visit my Tank 1 if you want to see it for yourself!

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Mafia Wars - Getting Help

Just to alert my Mafia Gang, you know that you can actually ask for Help for all the locations? (well, with the exception of the special locations like Paris or London, of course)

If you ask for help you will get rewards in terms of XP or Cash.

The Ask For Help icon appears in different places for different locations.

For New York or Cuba, you got to do a job before it appears...

For places like Bangkok or Moscow you can just scroll to the bottom of the screen and you'll see the help request there. You do not need to do any job before it appears....

Also, if you notice carefully, your  "Are you going to be loyal?" requests (looks like this for the friend you send your request to) also appears in the Home Page, besides from their Facebook Requests.

It will be on the Player Updates Section on the Home page and looks like this...

Make sure you go to your Player Updates section to help out your gang!

There are also times when you get certain links. Valid (or working) ones will show you this screen or something similar in Mafia Wars. There are of course plenty fake ones going around. Just be careful of virus!

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FishVille - Huge Savings on Sand Dollars

Oh yes, another way to get more FishVille Dollar? Get value for your money...

You must have seen this, haven't you? Huge savings on Sand Dollars...  But these are limited time offers... 20% discount?

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FarmVille - Heeler Puppies

FarmVille added the Heeler Puppies on top of the existing 3 types of puppies. I think it was 22 May 2010?

I did not get this puppy because my Terry (Terrier) and Troy (Border Collie) are already a handful! Been training them daily and it is not an easy task! Blame me on my time management if you must but I absolutely refuse to log into Facebook during work time. Even if I want to, my current PC is so slow that I doubt I can load it in time. I just hate slow PC. My work PC is on XP and has only like 400+ RAM? I kid you not! My new work PC will come in soon, I think in 2 weeks time? It is on Win 7 (thanks to my dear colleague who got a good deal for $1,100) but I am not too sure about the RAM though. I did not read the spec...

Anyways I digress. The Point of this post is to share that FarmVille seems bend on making each of us have at least 1 dog!

Yes I know each dog has special abilities and they appeal to different people. Love dog as I do, I don't think everyone in FarmVille thinks a Farm must have a dog!

I overcome my reluctance of logging in daily because I did not want my dog to starve. It was a chore! Nothing would make me adopt one more dog! I have my Terrier who can harvest from rabbits, and my Troy... Do I need another Sheepdog who can harvest from sheep or the Heeler who can harvest from cattle? I think not! Why would I need them when I have my Handyman?

Man's best friend? Yes but I have my Farmhands, thank you.
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FishVille - Sunshine Chromis

If you were as excited as I was about the Sunshine Chromis, then you need to know that you need like neighbors to be able to buy it in coins!

You can either spend FishVille Dollars to get it.

or get enough neighbors so that you can pay FishVille Coins for it. You will be able to sell the fish for $450 FishVille Coins and gain 150 XP for it. This is regardless of what you used to pay for the fish.

I got enough neighbors so the Congratulations! screen appeared to me. Hope you get it soon!


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FishVille - Why Treat Rack

These are my other saved pictures for Treat Rack.

Yeah and why do you need to get your Treat Rack? Because you will be able eto unlock special Mystery Food!

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Mafia Wars - London

A new Challenge Mission is available for Mafia Wars - London.

I suspect it will have the same concept as Paris

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FishVille - How to Build a Treat Rack

I shall put in all I know about the Treat Rack. My Treat Rack is not completed now yet but it will be over the next few days. Then I can share with you what it is used for.

Now I shall go on abit on why you need to have it and how to build it.

Well, up to now (8.45pm 28May2010) I have completed my Lids and Labels.


You basically need your friends to send you these items before you can get a completed Treat Rack:

5 Labels
5 Shelves
5 Lids
5 Jars
10 Nails

Pictures of the items:

Okay the Nail picture shouldn't look like that but I don't have the proper picture because I haven't completed mine yet. (Please send me, please!!!)

I don't like the number 5 (or the number 3, for that matter). But this 5 thing is a Cafe World concept, where you need to build your own Super Stove.

I almost thought you need 5 nails (haha) but logic holds that you can't build a rack with 5 nails *grins*

Well, so you need 10 nails and I am now short of 5 nails. (yes, I do need to remind you again)...

Now... the next part... How to get the 5 items.


You can get your neighbors to send you by posting your request on your FaceBook Wall. To do that, go to your Treat Rack by clicking on the Treat Rack Icon on the left side of your Tank. If you don't see it, make sure that you click on the Pointer Tool. If you are using the Sell Tool, you will not be able to see any of the Icons.



After clicking on the Treat Rack Icon you will get to see your Treat Rack. 



Now you may still lack a few of the items. You can either buy them with your FishVille Dollar or you can Ask your neighbors.

I dont really like the Asking part because it forces you to leave your tank (and I really like the music... which goes off if you leave your tank)... to the Select Friends Screen.

It will appear like this to the friends whom you have sent your request to:

Okay... That's it for now... Will post again when my Treat Rack is completed...

Please send me.... (what else, but nails!)


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FishVille - How to get FishVille Dollar

My Darling No 1 was asking me the all important question just now...

"How to get FishVille Dollar?"

I supposed he wanted to get some for the FishVille Treat Rack... More of that later...

But if you are like him and want to get more FishVille Dollar, there are actually several ways... yes, I know you are surprised!

Well, the most obvious way is to pay for it with real cash.

Before your tank is loaded, you can click on the +Add Sand Dollar" Link on the top of your screen. It should be the 5th icon from the left.

After you have loaded your tanks, you can either click on the " + Add Coins & Sand Dollars" Icon at the top left hand corner of your tanks, or you can go to the Store and click on the same icon (but it will be on the top right hand corner).


You will then be brought to the screen where you will be asked how you would like to pay...

You can also get FishVille Dollars by levelling up. This is obviously not a very popular idea but this is how I get my $69 coins. (Have spent abit of it already)

And another way of getting it is through your neighbors... When u visit a friend's tank, you may notice there is the treasure chest. if u click it, u can either get Coins, XP or Dollar or fish. See my previous post on how a treasure chest looks like.

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FishVille - Treat Racks (Now you can share)

I wrote earlier that you cannot share any gifts for FishVille Treat Racks. I don't know when (was it today?) but they (FishVille) has made the change to let us share (Yeah!!!)

So now you can share!


So of course it appears on your Facebook wall like this:

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

MSN File Sending Progress

My Darling No 1 sent me three photos... and I just realised that the MSN shows the percentage of the files during the sending (aka progress).

Of course, my main intention is to show the picture that he was sending me. This picture was taken when I was cleaning my Darling No 1's cupboard. The Naughty Boy and Naughty Girl were supervising my cleaning! I thought to let them have a go at the cupboard. So I put them into the cupboard to check if it is clean enough!

Darling No 2 got bored and yawned while I took the photograph. Darling No 3 looked ready to jump off the shelf (but on hindsight, she would never dare!) and I quickly put them on the ground.

Actually if my memory serves me correctly, Darling No 1 actually closed the cupboard door! None of them made any sound! It really tickled both of us!

Darling No 1 commented how nice Darling No 2's furnishing were... Just over 3 years ago! Okay okay, I did not take care of them as well as I would like to but I am already doing my best, squeezing what little time I have at home now for them... Yeah, it's late and I need to grab some sleep! Or I would be late for work tomorrow (these 3 days we are told to report to work 1/2hr earlier as we are in the midst of being assessed by the EduTrust assessors, more of that later!)


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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Social City - Expansion

A quick update for Social City.

Now if you are like me, an avid player for Social City (okay okay not that avid, I log in only once a day and not that much), you would have run out of space to expand. Well, Social City have given us a new place to go... SouthEast!

Well, I will definite go there, but not now (no time! ;p)

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