This is a great new layout... read about it from Youtube here.
The old features are more or less still in tact.
The layout is changed.
1) Uploader details
Now the videos by the Uploader (the person who uploaded the video) is on top of the video, together with his details. You will also see here, the subscribe button. Guess this means that all the old videos that "point to the right" will be outdated ;p
2) Screen options
Youtube now gives 2 options for wider screen or full screen. This is great for those wide monitors I guess but it does nothing for me since I am using a 4:3 aspect ratio. The most I have is my 16:9 HDMI TV
3) The 5-star rating has given way to Like or Thumbs Down. Guess this is a Facebook Like feature and they do not want to call it Dislike so it is a Thumbs Down. But I think this is a Yeah for Youtube. The 5 star is just too cumbersome. Just a Yes or No!
4) There this is Save Icon that let you record the video to your Favourite book mark, to an existing playlist or to a new playlist.
5) The Share Icon gives you the URL of the video, lets you share it directly to your Email, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, StumbleUpon, Life Spaces (whatever for?), Bebo and Hi5
6)The Video Description is now hidden. It can be unhidden by clicking on the double-down arrows that is on the left side of the Number of Views button (bottom right hand side). I personally see this only like 1 or 2% of the time since normally no one bothers to put in anything that is really informative (unlike me ;p)
7)Viewing Data. You have to un-hide it by clicking on the double-down arrows that is encroaching on the right side of the Number Of Views button (bottom right hand side). I wonder why is this hidden. Does it mean that this is a useless function but still valid enough to be featured?
Personally I like the new layout because it means that I will not confuse my playlist with the video from the uploader. Because I was having problem with the scrolling up and down....
Making the screens go wider make sense for Youtube since the majority of users are now having wider screens (not that it is a good thing, but you have to follow the trend right?)
It does follow the concept of the YouTubes vids on mobiles: scroll bars from left to right of the screen. I would say a more synchronized layout for all platforms.
Now you have been updated, go and do your own video and post your links here ;p
The next thing I want to learn, would be an application to record videos of what I am doing on the computer or internet (enough of still pictures ;p)
Get your latest YouTube today on the bottom of this page!
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thQnk :)